
It's never too late to get a life

PHPUnit auto-test without an IDE

In this article you’ll learn how to run your PHPUnit tests whenever a PHP file changes. This is useful if you don’t use an IDE that does this or want to share the results during a pairing session where only one party has access to a PHP execution environment. With the command line tool entr you can watch for changes in a list of files and run a command whenever one of the files changes.

Notes for Advent of Code 2019

2019 was the first year I have participated in the Advent of Code challenges, encouraged by my colleague Jan. I wanted to make it an opportunity to learn new programming languages and focus on functional programming. I started with Racket, tried out Elixir and re-wrote the challenges that involved the “intcode computer” in Scala. This post is a review of the programming languages and the event itself.

What I learned from different JavaScript implementations of Conway's Game of Life

I participated in the Global Day of Coderetreat, practicing on the Game of Life Kata and heard that some people solved the problem of finding neighboring cells with a Cartesian Product. I did not see their solution, but tried out figure out my own solution. I learned something about JavaScript, functional programming and performance, which I will share in this article.

Check out your GitHub pull request with an interactive shell menu

When I want to check out a GitHub pull request of my colleagues on my local machine, I usually have to open my browser, go to the pull request page on GitHub, copy the branch name, do a git fetch in my terminal, followed by a git checkout, pasting the branch name. Annoyed by this context switch between terminal and browser and all that mouse movement, I devised a way to select the pull request from a list in the terminal, with a checkout when I hit Enter: